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tv   Day 12 Government Shutdown  CSPAN  January 2, 2019 12:02pm-12:32pm EST

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i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. under clause can 5-d of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that in light of the resignation of the gentlelady from new mexico, miss lujan grisham, the whole number of the house is now 432. and pursuant to section 2-b of house resolution 1180, the house stands adjourned until 11:00 a.m. on thursday, january 3, 2019.
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the 116th congress begins tomorrow. election ofude the the speaker of the house, the introduction and passage of the rules package. and a government spending bill proposed by democrats which would fund five federal agencies through the end of the fiscal year. homeland security through february 8. for coverage of the senate on c-span 2 and live coverage of the house here on c-span. as for the next half hour or so, we will continue taking your 12 ofand comments on day the government shutdown. president will try to figure out whether he can strike a deal with the democrats. we will look for any video comments from members before or
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after that meeting with president trump. here are the phone lines to call in. the 116th congress has not started yet. we have the official word of a resignation announcement. walter jones office just willrmed that congressman be retiring after the 100 16th congress. he indicated as such in april 2018 but had not made an official announcement. to cape coral florida, we hear from jim. say that, asted to a person who has got a paycheck from the federal government,
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this time of year, it is especially important. you've got new things that come homed, like auto and insurance, things that you often pay in the first part of the year. now your check will not be coming and you are asked to make a sacrifice. what i am particularly indignant it about, as an former republican, that could particularly indignant about, as a former republican, that i could not put up with. like the other guy that spoke this morning, it is the only way. it is not a way to be an american and not a way to be a good and decent american as to
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ignore facts, to normalize them, and to go a long with the way of deception. said that she didn't see how building a wall could be avoided and all of that, she should know that donald trump promised that he would build a beautiful wall, he said -- i'm going to build a beautiful wall and i'm the only one who can build it. he saids very week, that it is the perfect solution that come up when it gets built, it will do away -- solution that, when it gets built, it will do away with all the issues. a lot of federal employees that
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i speak to and a lot of republicans that i speak to think that the wall is not a very good idea. from ok, we will hear oakland, oregon next. sharon. you for taking my call. happy new year. host: happy new year. ca >ller: i am not currently a government employee, but i was once. i know what to expect and that these things happen and plan for them when they do. for my experience, we were compensated very well as employees working for the federal government. that said, as far as the shutdown, i think we need to hold strong on it. it has not shut down the entire government. there needs to be some revision. i think we need the wall to keep
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the people safe here. other countries have it. a lot of these people that are they live in it, gated communities. they have walls. i don't get it. it's to keep diseases out, keep drugs out, people that want to harm us out, people don't want to assimilate when they come here, so i don't see a problem. you think those issues, crime, disease, potential terrorism have gotten worse in the last few years, thus boosting your argument for a border wall? >> i think part of it has. i wouldn't say 100%. but in some areas, yes. as far as like diseases and stuff like that from people not immunizations, that creates a lot of those problems. but we have people who are not vested.
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we know nothing about them coming in. there is a backlog of people that have been waiting to come to this country legally and they cannot even get in here on a timely manner because you've got all these illegal people who are crossing over. i understand that they want a better life, but let's do it the , you know, let's do it legally. we have to follow the laws of our land here. they need to follow them as well. host: thanks, sharon. the president holding a cabinet meeting at this hour, later today meeting with congressional leadership, republican and democratic, house and senate, unable to security briefing, waiting for members or others to comes week after the meeting with president trump. a couple of tweaks here.
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robert is on the republican line in chicago. welcome. you are on the air, robert. caller: i've been a member of the american legion and that the only thing i can say is close the government because i was a government employee in the military in vietnam.
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i think this whole thing with the shutdown is on the wrong side. senate aree and the date to time limit, a get these appointments, get these resolutions finished, they should in turn meet the goal. for instance, if they say we we are going to substitute it, you got 90 days, you have the first of may to get daca approved and something in if the senators or the house, both buildings, if they can't get to a resolution finished by the date suggested, they lose their pay, not people on the street, not people that
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have regular working jobs. andsenators and the house the senate, they in turn would not be paid. any staff, they would not be paid until they come up with a resolution. you can do it for appointments. you can do it for immigrations. you can do it for the border wall or security. give them a date. if they can't bipartisanly meet and correct the problem. host: let's hear from sally on the others' line. caller: thanks for taking my call. i'm concerned about what type of will be in whatever place if the president continues and gets his way. one of the things that concerns
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me -- i've seen specials on underground tunnels i have gone under the border, air-conditioned tunnels. i don't know if anybody has addressed that when they are talking about security on the border. also, there are people that can climb anything. so i do not think that our border patrol people are obsolete. maybe we just need to hire more people and give people a job who need it. thanks for your time. host: thanks for your call, sally. missouri,next from others line. think we need -- the democrats have lost their way. we need to have the border wall and we need to check -- congress needs to check into e-verify on employment. also, they need to check into
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birther citizen ship question. host: the birthright citizenship question you mean? >> must questions don't -- if i go to germany and i have a child, my child is not a german citizen. just because i had a child there. down the people coming across the border if they had e-verify and they couldn't become citizenship just by having a child in our country. host: thanks for that. we will continue to take your calls, your comments until about 12:30 eastern. the house has only come in. they will be back tomorrow noon eastern for the start of the 116th. they will finish up work, the 115th will gavel in on thursday, tomorrow. then the 116th beginning at noon eastern.
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ntinue taking your calls. they will pass and introduce the rules package created by the new democratic majority in the house and take up this government spending package, the one introduced the other day by the incoming appropriations chair, which would approve spending for five agencies through the end of the fiscal year, but homeland security through february 8. the senate comes in tomorrow noon. . lighthouse coverage here on c-span and the senate will be on c-span 2. so 15 minutes more of your calls in your comments. we see some video from the white house. the cabinet meeting is underway. the president letting cameras and reporters for a little bit. we will see the rest of that video. will show you a bit later in our program schedule if we can't get it to you in the next 15 minutes or so. rudy. alabama,
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i'm concerned because, when everybody passed all the paperwork that the president had to turn in, if he had turned in his tax papers like we small workers have to, we wouldn't be having this problem about a wall. we would either have a president that is not really qualified to be a president. host: thanks for that comment. sandy is next, democrats line from annapolis, maryland. caller: i just feel like the democrats are looking foolish. i think trump has the upper hand and they need to come to the table, make a deal. of course, we need border security. we don't need to argue about what kind of wall it is. just have security, plenty of
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protection, our border patrol agents. country,nk most of the most reasonable people think that is what needs to be done. we can have some reasonable discussion at the white house later today. republicanfrom the line, diane in washington. caller: thank you for my call. i believe we should have that wall. we can't afford to have all these people coming over and bringing -- and we have the sanctuary cities. i would say do the wall. i am a republican and i am behind the president. also, i don't feel that the men should be getting paid that are getting paid right now. host: what about the back pay for government workers, the ones that have been furloughed for this shutdown, and those who are
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working presumably know that paychecks? caller: -- host: we lost our color. -- our caller. jeff, missouri, go ahead. caller: winnie the border wall. there are people being threatened by the cartel -- we need a border wall. there are people being threatened by the cartel. we need the border wall. is a tweet from mark the cabinet
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host: to lewis in salisbury, north carolina. c-span.good morning, good morning, america, and a happy new year. trump is a more on -- a moron. to a border wall? africa should have a border wall? nobody didn't think about, hey, we need to have a border wall to stop by people for coming in. they want free labor. the majority of white people were hiring these people. we don't need a border wall. we need to crackdown on what people who have businesses and farms and this stuff would stop. no jobs, what would they do? if they can't feed their
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families here in america, they will go back to where they are. the problem is why people try to arefree labor and now they finding out they have this thing going on about people coming in by 2050. kaye,we hear from woodburn, kentucky. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have a solution for the immigration. you must pay that a legitimate, accurate application to the u.s. government for a chance to come before the judge and be there excepted and get in line or leave the country. first off, if you come in here uninvited and you break the law, you've broken the rules, the
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laws is broken and it says to me that you will not obey the orders so we don't need you,. that --first thing is the first thing when you come uninvited, breaking the law, you will automatically disqualify yourself for a legal pathway to the united states. are taking your calls on comments, just under 10 minutes left, and your thoughts on the 12th day of the government shutdown. we will continue taking your calls up to 12:30 eastern. michael is in jersey city. go ahead. you are on the air. caller: good afternoon. recently, the federal employees union has filed a lawsuit against the trump
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administration, siding it is illegal to make workers pay -- workers work without pay. what are the chances of that lawsuit being successful? host: what do you think? caller: i think it should be successful. if you are telling emergency workers and they still work without getting paid, that's tough. they should be compensated. they should be compensated. some type of bill should be emergency workers should be considered as the military. essential.y is if the militaries getting paid, they are on the front lines, and we are on the front lines. we should begetting pay, too. hots: that -- lawsuit filed on monday, the largest federal
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union, their membership some 700,000 government workers. mel is in monroe, louisiana. go ahead, on our others line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have one comment. we need the wall. and while we have the furlough, the government should lay off those employees who do not their fbi, therring to the cia, and all of that. lay them off. thesehat we pay for illegals when they get here. they get free housing, free health care, food stamps, everything, and we've got homeless in this town, in this state. take care of our people first. support the wall. host: let's hear from our democrats line. rick is in fayetteville, north carolina.
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caller: i've got a solution for the shutdown. mexico pays for the wall. why do you have programs on the mueller investigation? bill clinton was in office, that was on every day, day after day after day. host: you mean in terms of guests or the congressional hearings we cover? caller: i haven't seen anything. as i usedtch as much to because it seems, since abdul's campaign manager took over -- since bob doles manager wingover c-span, it's all
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stuff her. host: thanks for your input. we go to terry. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am calling from new york. i feel sad for the government workers that aren't getting a paycheck. but i remember, in new york, the same thing happen to us. after 30 years of being a public servant, i'm retired now. i'm suffering. my medical costs, $750 a month. it's sad. wall, but thehe democrats and republicans should find out what is going on in south america. i think we should find out why these people are running. of course, they are running, because of the drugs. the drugs are ruining this south especially america,
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america, north america. i support the wall. i'm sorry for the government shutdown. and i think it needs to stop. and i think the democrats come after on the years of being in office, never did anything. -- democrats, after being in office for years, never did anything. host: ronald, where are you coming from? caller: raleigh north carolina. as a federal employee, i have been through several of these shutdowns. i support our president. i support what he is doing to protect our country. this is a lot to do with people's feelings instead of having -- feelings. instead of having feelings, look at the facts. look at how many people are coming up across the border, illegally, bringing drugs and .very thing else
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look at how much we are spending, not just at the federal level, but at the local level as well. that goes for every state because every state pays for these individuals once they are into our country. because once they are in, they are dispersed across the country in every state, just about, and it is costing you and i as taxpayers. look at our safety. look at the issues. safety first, our economics second, and what we are doing to help american people. and we are a nation that brings thanre immigrants legally any other country. standpoint,deral from a federal employee standpoint, as myself, i support our president and i back his decision, and i hope he gets the job done. host: ronald, a federal worker in north carolina. as we wrap things up, we will
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your from plano, texas next, pam, the republican line. pam in plano, texas, you are on the air. caller: thank you for taking my call. i want to comment on the wall. first of all, the gentleman asked about the see through wall . the reason they did that is because the border patrol asked of them to because they wanted to be able to see the people on the other side of the wall and know what they are doing there , like maybe not bring up payloads of bombs or something. the other thing is, without a wall, there is no hope to secure our borders. we could not man well enough. if we were take the desk if we were to take -- if we were take the locks off our homes, the doors and windows and one guard at the front door, and you think people would come and go as they see fit? host: thanks for that, pam. one more call from melissa who
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is in bloomfield. caller: i want to say i agree with our president 100%. we do need this wall. people do not understand. obama, as soon as he moved out of the white house, his new house has a wall. any democrat, nancy pelosi has a wall. they don't understand. it works. they say it is 12th-century devices. no one has rebuilt the wheel. it still works. the fact of the matter is walls work. we don't need people coming here to create problems. if all these democrats, nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, say it have open then i suggest and challenge them to unlock their doors, unlock their windows every single day of the week and see how well they like people coming and going and doing as they
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please with their personal property, their money, their lives, their family. host: we may hear from nancy pelosi and chuck schumer later today, in addition to other congressional leaders. they will be at the white house with president trump in what ins being called a national security briefing. we will look for video from that . we will also look at the video from the president's cabinet meeting this morning which got underway around noon. to look ahead to tomorrow, to tell you about our coverage of the beginning of the 160 congress, the house comes in tomorrow at noon eastern to begin the 160th congress. that will include the election for speaker, the adoption of the roles package promulgated by the democrats in the majority. and that government spending measure out of the appropriations committee. the senate is coming in a new eastern. we will see the swearing-in of new senators and less business
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to be taking care of in the senate. c-span2. am a live on the bureau from chief for the intercept in washington, and ro khanna, the ink coming youngest woman -- the incoming congress from new york, will vote against pelosi's house rules package which includes a weekend climate committee. we will follow that tomorrow and next up on c-span we will show you one of the incoming members of the u.s. house from massachusetts, congresswoman who beatnna pressley out michael cap yarnell. she was interviewed by the boston globe's editorial page.


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